Overwhelmed and Feeling Blessed

Who else out there is overwhelmed???

We all have something right?! Yes! We are all overwhelmed with something: Pandemic, loss of a job, searching for more, schooling your own kids, anxiety, stress over COVID-19, we all have something!

But guess what???

We all have reasons to feel blessed and grateful too!

I have been doing the Next90daychallenge with Rachel Hollis and I’ve been really good about her 5 to Thrive! Let me tell you, it’s a game changer. If you haven’t done it…DO IT

We’ve been evacuated=overwhelmed

This week we were evacuated from our home due to a dam failure near our community. Our town was completely flooded. We are new to the area and have never dealt with floods but, we are learning.

We spent the last two days with no power, no septic, and not many tools to work with. But let me tell you…The Blessings in our life have never been more apparent!

We got through a rough couple of days, we’ve gotten most of the water out of our basement, and really it could be way worse!

The Blessings

You guys, there are so many blessings. The Blessings: neighbors you’ve never met just showing up to help you, borrowed pumps to get the water out, borrowed cords, generators, use of friends home (even in the midst of a pandemic…LOL), sunshine, tulips, school canceled for the week..LOL, and the list goes on and on and on.

This morning, I decided to get up and get back to my normal routine of waking before my kids lso to do my gratitude journal and I was completely overwhelmed with the amount that I have to be gratefuI for!

OK guys…if you haven’t tried this practice of keeping a gratitude journal…DO IT! It really changes your mindset for the better! It trains your brain to see the good when the bad is staring you right in the face!

This week I have started using my new planner to help me stay focused on my goals. I am totally loving the Start Today Priority Planner! I started it this week! Yes, I still have a ton of work to face in my basement, but I’m going to start my day right before I go kill it in the basement (cleaning out the rest of the flood damange).

My point…LOL

I finished my work in my planner, opened my notebook to make my overwhelming to do list for the day…and I found this verse! Ugh!!!! Completely overwhelmed with JOY and REASSURANCE that everything will work out!

This was written days ago, maybe a week. I wrote it down because it spoke to me! What speaks to you? What makes you realize that you will be ok! Amidst the storm, you will be ok! Throughout the chaos you will find the strength! Although your overwhelmed, you are blessed! Believe!!!!

How are you starting your day today? How do you train your brain to stay positive in the midst of chaos?

If you subscribe to get my weekly emails you will get a FREE Gratitude Journal that you can use with your kids! Why not train their brains at an early age so that they can tackle the overwhelming parts of life more easily!

Comment below if you keep a journal? Tell us all how you stay positive and take care of yourself!

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