Let your Light Shine

Everyone knows this song, right… Can you name it?

Hide it under a bush, OH NO! I’m gonna let it shine. Hide it under a bush, OH NO! I’m gonna let it shine. Hide it under a bush, OH NO! I’m gonna let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Yes! “This Little Light of Mine!”

You got it! We all sang this song as a kid, right?! Each and every one of us has the potential to shine light on the world. How can you do just that? How can you be light in the midst of darkness either in your own situations or for others?

There are big ways and little ways to be the light and to let your light shine, but so often we choose to hide our light under a bush.

This light…it could be the smallest act of kindness, a positive attitude in the midst of chaos, or using a special talent or skill that you have to make a difference in somebody’s life. Whether it’s a big light or a little light it will still make a difference in the darkness.

True Story

One week ago in the midst of this 2020 quarantine, our community experienced a “500 year flood”. Basically this means it is only supposed to happen every 500 years. LOL A nearby lake’s dam and levy failed. Our entire town was flooded, sewage back up, loss of power, no septic, and homes ruined. Our home had minimal damage in comparison to others, however, our basement was flooded and we’ve been pumping out water for 7 days now.

Our first night back in our home, we didn’t have any power. The kids were a little nervous about this, but when they saw that all we needed was some candles and flashlights their fears of the darkness went away. You see the dark house was scary to them! One candle, then two, then a couple battery powered lanterns, and a fire burning in the fireplace helped us light up the room. The darkness was gone! We all stayed in our living room and enjoy our time together in our home lit by a bunch of little lights!

The more lights that were shining, the less darkness! You see, if we all let our lights shine, we can be the light in the dark times people face.

We can BE THEIR DIFFERENCE by letting our lights shine!

~Erin Mengeu

The Recurring Message

In the past week it’s been so clear to me that there are so many people that have a light that they are still hiding under a bush….OH NO! (LOL, do you see what I did there? Couldn’t help it!)

In the past 3 days there have 4 different people (totally unrelated) have mentioned “letting your light shine”

This phrase just keeps showing up! Has that ever happened to you?

Have you ever felt a little nudge or heard that still small voice saying something to you. Then you sit down to listen to your favorite podcast and they are speaking on that same exact thing. Or you turn on music in your house while you cook and a song comes on that is speaking the same message? Or a random facebook post is quoting the same message.

I love when this happens because you know the message is clear! You know it, because it won’t go away! This is when I know that I am being called to action! So often we ignore these prompts. So often we just aren’t quite sure how to execute it or find the time to respond. But in this case, there are many different ways to respond.

4 Ways to Shine Your Light

1. Positive Perspective and Sharing It!

The best way to keep a positive perspective is to practice daily gratitude. Not for the big things in life (health, shelter, food) but for the little things we encounter each day (good cup of coffee, movietime with family, some extra quiet time, phone call from a good friend).

Did you know that you can actually shift your mindset by practicing gratitude daily? Read more about how here. Keeping a journal and actually writing down the things your grateful for each day will seriously change you! You can do this on any piece of paper, but write it down!!! After a little while, you will not have to be so intentional about having a positive perspective. It will become a habit making gratitude and positivity happen more naturally. If you do not keep a gratitude journal, start one today. Just get a notebook and write down 5 things each day that you are grateful for.

Share your positivity with others!!! Your positive perspective can be a shining light for the others around you!

2. Smile

Do you know it takes more muscles in your face to frown than it does to smile? If you didn’t just try it, LOL try it now! Show your beautiful face! Smile at people! Make eye contact! This is the easiest thing to do. When you pass people at the store, at work, at your kids school, SMILE! A friendly smile and hello could be the thing that shines light in the darkness.

3. Love Well

If you haven’t read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, read it! Love the people in your life the way they need to be loved. Figure out what makes your friends, co-workers, and kids feel loved and love them! It will make all the relationships in your life better. Who doesn’t want that?

We are called to love others…even our enemies. I know that’s a tough one…but for goodness sake, we don’t have to be their best friend or even agree with them, but we can still shine our light by showing kindness (which BTW is love)!

4. Use your Gifts

We are all gifted with special talents for a purpose. When you have a gift, talent, or an expertise, we should use it to be the light for others in this world. What are your special talents and gifts? Are you using them to shine your light?

Hide it under a bush, OH NO!

What keeps you from sharing your light? For me, it’s many things: time, priorities, fear of not being enough, and vulnerability. We often hesitate and think too hard about letting our lights shine. We tell ourselves that we aren’t enough, or they will laugh, or what if it doesn’t work…


Hide it under a bush, OH NO! I’m gonna let it shine!

Let it Shine, Let it Shine, Let it Shine!

Be the Light!

Be Brave Enough to do what Matters Most! Let your light Shine!

When you hear the same message over and over, take it as a sign. You can show your light by listening to that nudge, or that still small voice.

Also, sign up here to receive your very own Daily Gratitude Journal for your kids. We can easily Be Their Difference by teaching them to shine their light!

Share this post if it made a difference in your life and leave me a comment about how you are letting your light shine! How are you Shining Your Light?

2 thoughts on “Let your Light Shine”

  1. This is such a good reminder! Let your light shine!! Thank you, this will stick with me now. ❤

  2. Thanks Kym! There have been so many things that have happened lately that prove this idea to be true! I’m so glad it struck a positive chord with you! Spread the idea and if you don’t mind, I’d love it you would share my blog with other that might like it!

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