With the right mindset and the right teaching, people are capable of a lot more than we think.”
Carol Dweck
Mind over matter, that’s what they say. Well, what they say, is right! When we are in the right mindset we can achieve much more.
I knew a girl who was made fun of when she was in middle school. Her gym teacher called her a “fluff chick”. This meant that she ran like a girl. Now, I’m not saying that girls run a certain way. I’m just sharing that this comment had such an impact on this girl, that she hesitated to even try to run. This girl started to believe that she wasn’t able to be a runner at all.
Now just imagine if that gym teacher had used her words more wisely? What if instead of saying, “Let’s go fluff chicks, keep running!” instead she said something like, “Keep running, you’ve got this, run harder girls, you can do hard things!”
I’m going to venture to say that it would have made all the difference to this particular middle school girl!
Research shows that our brain is like plastic. It can be shaped into what we want to make of it. We can train our brain so that we have a more positive attitude. When we have a positive attitude, we are more likely to be intentional and to put forth more effort.
The quote by Carol Dweck, states that the “right teaching” can make a difference in how or what a person believes they can do. I second that! We can train our students and children to have a growth mindset through modeling and explicit teaching. I believe that is what Carol Dweck meant by the “right teaching”…
The “Right Teaching”: Modeling and Explicit Instruction
We can teach our students or children to have a growth mindset through modeling it in our own actions and teaching them strategies for developing a positive attitude and applying effort to grow your brain in a positive way. With a good attitude, applied effort, and persistence I believe a person can do anything they set out to do. But we can’t just teach these things…we first have to believe it and live it ourselves!
Monkey See, Monkey Do, They are watching you!
Our children are watching us! They see what we do and they learn from those observations. I know this is true because I’ve witnessed my own children modeling what I do, both good and bad.
Funny story…
When Cooper was little, really little (like 3 years old), he was in the kitchen and he dropped a toy and said, “Damn it!” I was sure I heard wrong, but not too long after that I heard him say it again, and again. I said to my husband, “Where would he have heard that before? Who even says that anymore?” My husband looked straight at me, chuckled, and said, “You say it all the time!” WHAT??? After this, it started to become very clear to me, I started to notice all the little things they do and say because they mimic what we do!
It’s like that country song, “Watching You” by Rodney Atkins. Even if your not a country fan, listen to this sweet, yet eye opening song!

Gratitude Journal
A positive attitude starts with gratitude! Keeping a gratitude journal will benefit you, your family, and the children in your life. They are watching you!
I started keeping a gratitude journal about 2 years ago. The benefits have been unbelievable! I am more positive, which makes my family happier, I mean nobody is happy when mom’s not happy, right! My own children has seen my journals. I love to share with them what I’m grateful for, especially when it is about them. Nothing makes them smile like hearing that somebody is grateful for them!
Teach them how to do it:
Give them their own gratitude journal. Show them what to do! Ask them to share it with you or with their siblings or peers.
It’s so easy, you can even use a plain spiral notebook! Just list 5 things each morning that you are grateful for.
Daily Gratitude Journal

Grab your own copy of this gratitude journal print and use in your classroom or at home with your own kids. They are differentiated for different age groups and grade levels. Click here to get your copy!
Explicit Teaching Instruction for Growth Mindset:
What is a Growth Mindset
Teach your child or your students about your brain! We can shape it! We do this by feeding our brain with positive thoughts. Our brain is just like our other muscles, we must give it a workout if we want it to be strong! Provide opportunities for your students to give their brain a workout!
Make Statements
Make a list of Growth Mindset Statements! You could even make a chart in your class for fixed and growth mindset statements.
Power of Yet
Teach your kids the power of yet! Share stories of a time you weren’t able to do something and you accomplished the goal by persisting and putting forth effort! Ask them to share something they cannot YET do, but really want to learn! Make a bulleting board and celebrate each time of your students or children experience the power of YET!
Failure is How We Learn
Remind your children that we learn from our failures. We need to take time to examine what went wrong in our attempts so that we can learn new ways of accomplishing our tasks. Celebrate failures and have discussions about how to overcome!
Read Stories that illustrate a Growth Mindset
Stories are the best way of sharing about growth mindset. It is easier for kids to understand when it is illustrated through a character. Click here for a list of stories that illustrate Growth Mindset.