4 Ways to Focus on Self-Care this Summer

“Self-Care” isn’t “Self”ish

If you are anything like me, taking time out of your day for Self-Care is probably not at the top of your to do list.

As a busy mom, wife, educator, author, blogger, homeowner, friend, sister, daughter, neighbor, church member, teacher, etc. There is so much to do.

Just look at the list of roles I listed in the first sentence… There are so many people counting on me. So many people that I want to be there for, help, love, spend time with.

When I plan or do something that is JUST FOR ME, I tend to feel guilty.

I love to read, but anytime I sit down to read a book, I start to think about all of the things that I could be doing instead (laundry, writing, checking in with an old friend, prepping dinner, playing with my kids, doing yard work).

I don’t think that I’m the only one who does this!

“Mom Guilt” is a real thing that we hear about a lot lately. Why do we do this to ourselves? We are all busy. We all have different roles that we play. We all have people that count us, and those people have other people that count on them.

We all know deep down that if we do not take care of ourselves we can’t show up as our best self for those who need us.

We all know that laundry can wait, dishes can wait, so why? Why do we feel guilty when prioritize ourselves?

Self-Care doesn’t have to be long trips to day spas and extravagant shopping trips.

The best self-care is being intentional about forming small daily habits that will make big impacts!

4 for MORE

I’d like to share the 4 small daily habits that will make a big impact in how you feel, focus, and perform each day. It’s completely selfLESS when it helps you have the energy needed for showing up for the people and tasks that need you. It starts with you!

There is nothing Selfish about Self-care!

A Summer of Self-Care

Summer is a great time to form habits for self-care! They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. I have also found that consistency and accountability help!

4 Ways to Focus on Self Care this summer

1. Daily Gratitude

It’s so easy, takes no time at all, and all you need is a journal or your phone. There are apps, journals, etc. that people use for tracking their gratitude. It starts in the mind! What you think about will determine your mood. Are you a positive person? Are you able to turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts?

Daily Gratitude does that! It will actually change your mindset and they way you tackle daily difficulties. To read more on starting a Daily Gratitude Practice click here.

2. Hydrate your Body

Drinking water benefits you in so many ways! I try to drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water each day. This means if you weigh 150 lbs. you drink 75 oz. of water each day. It seems like a lot, but once you start doing it consistently, you will find that you need it. The benefits are so worth it!

3. Fuel you Body (with the right stuff)!

Fill in the blank…

Food is _______________________.

This statement changed how I think about food. Have you ever thought about why you eat or what food means to you?

For me, food is FUN! So much about eating is social. Hanging out with friends, chatting, and EATING!

But when you consider food your fuel, it changes. I gives it more purpose.

Do you fuel you body with the right foods? Your car won’t run correctly if you give it the wrong type of fuel, the same is true for your body.

Our bodies need certain things in order to function. And the tricky part is that each of our bodies are different. Sometimes our bodies reject certain foods and we are left miserable. Other times we end up Hangry because we haven’t given our body enough fuel.

One way to learn how to fuel your body the right way is write down what you eat and how you feel each day for 2 week (or more). You will be able to see patterns in what food agree with you and allow you to feel your best and reach your health goals.

I follow a program called 2B Mindset. This is a program that was written to create a healthy mindset without having a bunch of dieting rules. To think of food in a positive way and to enjoy the food that you eat.

4. Move your Body

We have to move our body! Move your body for 30 min. EVERY DAY. This doesn’t mean that you have to do an intense workout everyday. It doesn’t mean that you have to join a gym or workout with friends. You just need to move your body. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!

It’s a bonus if you do it outside. When you get out in nature and you give your brain the oxygen it needs, it renews you. There is proof that is reduces anxiety and depression. Fresh air is like medicine for the mind and soul. Get outside and move your body!

You Deserve It!

If you need a little help with making these small changes that have big impacts, I’ve got you covered! I have been using a plain old notebook until recently, when the teacher in me decided to create my own. Here is a FREEBIE just for you to track your Daily Gratitude and to keep track of your 4 for MORE! Feel free to print it, laminate it, make a journal out of it. It’s all yours. Click here to get your FREEBIE

We Deserve It!

Let’s make this our summer of self-care. Let’s take time this summer to create some healthy habits in our lives that take little time and effort but have a big impact! You will be glad you did!

Just do it! Click on this button if you are ready for your Summer of Self-Care!

If you want more info about how you can easily start with tiny habits that make a big impact on daily life, click on the button below to share with me what info you would like. I’d love to partner with you in creating healthy habits.

Enjoy Being Their Difference,

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