Kids are resilient they say! Yep! That’s what they say…
But come on…these precious little ones need to be reminded of how loved they are. They need to be reminded of how strong they are. They need to know that the people in their lives believe in them and are there for them.
The past couple of years has really taken a toll on children, teens, and well EVERYONE! Stress and anxiety is off the charts. The focus on social emotional learning is vital now more than ever.
This year, my kids have been going through some wild and crazy emotions and I’m betting yours have too! They are sad…they are mad. They are emotional and do not even know why.
Does this sound familiar?
I’m using the love of valentines day to boost my kids self-esteem and remind them of who they really are!
I want to share how I am planning to use February (the month of love) to remind my kids of all the things I love about them and more importantly, remind them of who there were meant to be!
I’m sure you’ve seen the idea of posting hearts on your child’s door each day of the February to show them all the ways you love them. If you haven’t seen this idea, you can see many of them here on Pinterest.

I am hoping this will be an emotional boost of love and positivity for my kids. I’m hoping that it will remind them of how great they are! Giving them the confidence to be the resilient kids that we all believe them to be!
Here is what I am starting with…

I’m starting with this verse from Psalm. I want my kids to know that they are made fearfully and wonderfully made by God. I want them to know that who they are is precious and wonderful. So we are ending the month of love with this…
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your words are wonderful, I know that full well.
PSALM 139:14

Happy Love Month!!!
Enjoy Being Their Difference,