Legacy: n. something handed down from one generation to the next.
What will you hand down to your next generation?
If you are anything like me, you are probably more worried about handing down a positive outlook on life, than monetary items. I want my kids to know how to have faith, how to hope for the future, and most of all how to lead well and love well!
SHOW UP for the people who are counting on you to lead them in a positive way!
Think about the people in your life that have made an impact on you. Who are the people that you remember most? What is it that made them a good leader? I’d be willing to bet they believed in you, encouraged you, and cared about you! Am I right?
Legacy = Leadership Leadership = Sacrifice
Leaders have to make sacrifices all the time. Where are you a leader? Who are you leading? Whether you are leading a household, a team at work, a family, a group of students, a classroom, a church, or a sports team you will have to make sacrifices.
Are you willing to make sacrifices for them?
3 Questions to ask yourself as a Leader:
- Do those you are leading know that you believe in them?
- Do those you are leading feel encouraged by you?
- Do those you are leading know that you care about them?
Faith – belief or trust in a person or idea.
We can leave an impact on those around us by simply having faith. We can have faith in our work, in other around us, and we can have faith in God. What do you have faith in? Can others see that you have faith? Are you showing them how they too can have faith? Do they know that you belief or trust in them?
Hope – a desire with expectation that something good will happen.
Are you able to get back up when you fall? Do you know in your heart that you are capable of anything. Do you have hope of reaching big goals? Are you able to understand that failure is opportunity in disguise? Read more about having this kind of mindset by clicking here.
We can lead others well by showing them that we have hope for them. We can be there when they fall, encourage them to get up and try again, and give our time, energy, and resources to them. Click here to see the best resources, I’ve found for teaching your children how to be able to get back up when they fall. Being there for others is true leadership that will leave a legacy.
Love – a quality or feeling of strong affection toward someone or something.
I tell my kids all the time that we do not have to get along with everyone, but we do have to show them love and kindness. Even when it’s hard. We must show love to lead well!
If you haven’t read the book, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, you must read it. It will change your relationships at home, at work, and in your friendships. This book helps us learn that we must understand how others perceive love. We must show love how they need it, not how we need it.
You see, I love hugs! But not everyone does. I feel love when I get hugs, however, my coworker and friend Lisa does not. So will Lisa feel loved if I hug her?…No! She will cringe…LOL! I need to understand makes Lisa feel loved in order to show her how deeply I care for her. Love takes a little work.
If you are a parent or a teacher I highly recommend The 5 Love Languages of Children.
Think about the people that you are trying to impact. This could be your children, students, friends, neighbors, coworkers…anyone! Do they know that you have faith in them? Do they know that you have hope? Do they feel loved or cared about by you?
There are 3 Ways that we can accomplish this…
- Presence – Do you make yourself available for those you are leading. Do you take time to listen to them? We have two ears and one mouth and we should use them in that proportion. IN ORDER TO LEAVE A LEGACY, WE NEED TO BE PRESENT FOR PEOPLE!
- Words- Are you intentional about how you use your words? Are your words encouraging? Do your words show that you care and that you believe in the people you are leading? IN ORDER TO LEAVE A LEGACY, WE NEED TO USE OUR WORDS TO BUILD OTHER UP!
- Sacrifice – Are you willing to sacrifice your own agenda for the sake of others? Do you offer your time, energy, and resources to those around you. IN ORDER TO LEAVE A LEGACY, WE MUST BE WILLING TO GIVE OF OURSELVES!
Take Action: This week lead well in your home, at work, or in your neighborhood by taking the time to be there for somebody. Who needs you right now? __________________________________________ Make time to listen to them, encourage them, and be willing to sacrifice for them.
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Enjoy “Being Their Difference”