Back to School, COVID-19, Racism/Equality, Political Elections, and…the new 19 Crimes Snoop Dog Wine!

I knew I could fit my new favorite wine into my blog somewhere! Ha! If you haven’t tried it yet, and you like red wine, do yourself a favor and give it a try!
I spent a lot of time with different friends and family this past weekend. We visited siblings, cousins, aunts, old friends, new friends, etc. One thing was very clear to me…
Everyone is feeling something different right now! It’s so hard to even know how to respond to what is happening everywhere. Everyone, has really INTENSE HONEST EMOTIONS during this crazy time.
The conversations varied in opinions about back to school, virtual learning, face-to-face learning, COVID-19, racism, presidential election, or any other topic. But one thing was certain…we all are feeling very honest emotions.
So how are you handling your own honest emotions, the conflict in your heart, that tough decision your facing, or the problem that just won’t go away? What is working for you to keep you sane and able to handle everything that is going on around you?
I’d like to share 3 things I’ve learned in the past several months that have been a game changer in my life when dealing with uncertainty.
Listen, Focus on the Positive, and Have Faith!
A wise person once said, “You have 2 ears and 1 mouth, use them in that proportion.”
We must learn to listen!
Listen to that Still Small Voice
A dear friend, mentor, and teacher in my life just taught me about the beauty of hearing God’s voice through journaling. She suggested that I find quiet time, pray about what is on my mind, and sit with my journal and write or draw whatever comes to my mind.
If you’ve never tried it… DO IT! Grab a journal, think about what is on your mind, pray, and wait. Then whatever comes to mind, start writing it down.
We’ve all heard that Still Small Voice, or that little feeling that you think you have…listen to it!
Listen to what others have to say.
While spending time with my friends this weekend. I realized just how much love to sit and listen to the debates, the stories being shared, and the laughter.
We may not always share the same feelings and emotions (or wine preferences…lol) but that is the beauty of friendship! We can love and respect each other by simply listening.
We may even learn something from just listening!
Focus on the Positive
Daily Gratitude

When you start your day with gratitude, you start your day in a positive way. When your brain starts off thinking positively, it’s easier to face the day.
Try writing down 5 things that you are grateful for each day! I know it seems crazy, but I’ve been doing this daily practice now for almost 90 days and I can honestly say, it has changed me. I bought this Start Today Journal, that I absolutely love! But I’ll be real honest…you can totally do it in a spiral notebook from the dollar tree, or an old journal you probably already have laying around.
Let’s face it, there is a lot going on that can get us down, but when we have our minds on all that is good and right, we are better equipped to handle the hard stuff that is thrown at us!
Have Faith
Faith means to believe in what is unseen!
The future is unseen. We don’t know what will happen with schools. We don’t know how or when COVID-19 will go away. We have no idea what is going to happen in our world.
Our current situations that are creating all of these overwhelming honest emotions can lead us to feeling out of control, stressed, conflicted, confused, and quite honestly angry. But having faith can change everything.

One thing is true! God is in control! He’s got this! I believe that in the grand scheme of things, everything will work out.
When we put our faith in God we can face our trials and honest emotions with perseverance.
We can listen to that Still Small Voice, focus on the positive, and have faith in the end that everything will be ok!
TAKE ACTION: This week in start keeping a journal. Write down 5 things that you are grateful for. Then if you have something on your mind, pray about it and write down everything and anything that comes to your mind.
Enjoy Being Their Difference,