Which of these conversation hearts speaks loudest to you?
Do you want to hear how special you? Do you want somebody to hug you? How about “let’s hang out”?
If you were going to choose one of the hearts in the picture, which one would you like most?
I choose…Hug me!
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
In this book, Gary Chapman explain that we each have a love tank that desires to filled. Each of us feels loved in different ways. We often give love the way we like to receive love.
Let me give you an example…
My love language is physical touch. This means that I love hugs! They fill my love tank. I have a really great friend who is definitely NOT a hugger. When I see her, I run to squeeze her into the best tight hug that I’ve got to give…but, who feels loved here??? ME! You see, hugs do nothing for her.
The point is we have to show love to other in a way that will fill their love tank. In this book, it describes just how to identify a persons love language and gives practical ways to show love for each of the 5 love languages.
If you haven’t read The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman, you are missing out! Grab your copy here. This idea of understanding how others feel loved is something we all need to learn to identify and understand.
Learning to show love to others will help with any relationship whether it be romantic, professional, family, and your own children. Gary Chapman also wrote Learning about your child’s love language.
There are so many fun ways to learn about how your kids feel loved. Getting to know your kids love language is so important. It’s so important to love each of your kids in a way that is meaningful to them. At dinner take turns going around the table finishing this sentence. It’s so fun to see what makes your kids feel loved. Check out how different my kids responses were: Cooper says, ” I feel loved when you take me to hockey and it’s just me and you…when we have time to read together at night and talk about stuff, when you play hockey or ping pong with me in the basement, and when we snuggle.” Ok this kid loves quality time!!!! Delaney says, “I feel loved when you teach me how to cook, when you rub my back, when dad holds me, when you hold my hand.” I think Delaney is physical touch and quality time. Hudson, my youngest said, “I feel loved when you chase me, when you tickle me, when you tell me you love me, when you do crafts with me” This girls wants me to spend time with her!!! She loves to play and she loves to love. I will say that the younger they are the harder it is to identify the love language. This quiz is a resource listed on The 5 Love Languages web page. The kids have such a great time taking it, it’s like playing the game, Would You Rather! Click here to take the quiz. The results are emailed to you! Intentionally watch how they show love to you. Just like us, they will love on you the way that is most natural for them to feel loved. Watch how they show love to their siblings, friends, and teachers. Take note of what love language they speak. Chances are that is how they feel loved! Kids are great! They typically just say it how it is. When they want or need something, they ask! “Mommy will you hold me?” Mommy, will you read to me? “Hey mom, will you play hockey with me?” You see, their love language is being told to us in what they say or ask for. Do you know your child’s primary love language? Children need to feel loved in many different ways, but they each have a primary love language. Have fun learning about your child and showing them love in a way that will be meaningful to them. Enjoy Being Their Difference, 4 Fun Ways to learn your child’s love language:
1. Ask them to finish the statement, I feel love when…
2. Take the online quiz
3. Pay Attention
4. Listen to them