A story written by friends from afar…
Teachers and Parents looking for ideas for schooling at home, look no further! Collaborative stories are so much fun! This is a story that you write collaboratively. One person starts the story and each friend adds on to it until you have created a story with Characters, Setting, Beginning, Middle, and End….and of course a good story has a problem and solution.
How to write a collaborative story:
- Choose the Writers-these can be friends that live far or classmates that your are missing. TEACHERS…YOU COULD GROUP YOUR STUDENTS AND THEY COULD WORK TOGETHER FROM HOME TO CREATE A REALLY COOL STORY.
- Invite friends, classmates, and/or family members to write the story with you.
- Decide who will begin the story. This person can set it up with character and setting.
- It’s a great idea to end your portion with a cliff-hanger or half of a sentence. This makes it easier for the next writer to come up with ideas. For example: They were walking through the woods when suddenly, _______________.
- Have each person use a different color writing tool, whether you are writing on paper or typing on a computer.
- Continue this until the story ends.
- When the story is finished it will need a title and title page…
Methods to Write the Story:
- Paper Pencil– You could do this on notebook paper and mail it to your friend. They can do their part and mail it to another. This continues until the story is over. The person who ends the story, mails it back to the first person, or the teacher.
- Email– You can type the story on the computer and send it in an email as an attachment or simply write the story in the body of the email.
- Google Docs– You can start the story on Google Docs and share it with the group of writers. Anyone can add to the document when they want to. This is really fun because you can see the story happening as people are typing!
Click on the attachment below to see an example of a story that has been started with a group of friends.
This is such a creative way to get you students excited about story writing even when they are not together in class! The element of suspense is what makes it the most fun! The kids just can’t wait to see what their friends will come up with!