With the holidays just around the corner, you may want to consider buys games for the kids on your gift buying list.
Sometimes I think that board games are becoming a lost art…I think there was a game on my Christmas list every year as a kid. Kids need to play games with others, not just along side others. There is so much research behind the benefits of playing games! So why have we let technology and the business of life replace the good old board game??? If your home with your kids and need something to occupy their time… PLAY GAMES WITH THEM! For just 30 min a day you can reap the benefits listed below.
10 Things Playing Games Teach Kids
- Taking Turns- You guys, seriously…kids do not know how to take turns!!!! Think about it…children are mentally self-centered…their brains need to be taught EVERYTHING!!!! Sometimes we expect them to just know how to do things, but that is NOT THE CASE! They need us to tell them how to wait their turn, but then we need to provide opportunities for the brains to develop this skill. LOTS OF OPPORTUNITIES. In my kindergarten class these kids can add numbers, read words, and write sentences….BUT THEY CAN’T TAKE TURNS. When observing kinders play games, it appears they think that the first one to grab the spinner is the one who gets to go next…LOL! They need us to teach, model, and practice along-side of them. What can we do to support and develop this skill? PLAY GAMES WITH THEM!
- Sharing/Manners– Deciding what piece you play with, who gets to start the game, what direction do you rotate, how to share the cards, pieces, playing space, etc. We can teach manners through game playing! PLAY GAMES WITH THEM!
- Focus– We live in a world with constant distractions. It’s no wonder kids (and parents alike) are lacking focus. We constantly have cell phones chiming, family members shouting to Alexa to play their favorite song, and TV’s around us creating distractions. Sitting at a table with a game and no distractions can actually train your brain to pay attention if you can see it through to the end! Yet another reason to PLAY GAMES WITH THEM!
- Spacial Awareness– Hello…have you noticed that kids today cannot sit in one spot. Think about it, they even offer flexible seating in classrooms to assist this. I have to remind my own kids at the dinner table to stay at the table and in their own space. Games are a perfect example of how everything has a place. The cards go in a certain spot, your game piece also has a certain spot, and your body needs a certain spot as well. PLAY GAMES WITH THEM!
- Losing – THIS ONE HITS HOME! I live with a child (and husband…shhh!) That simply cannot lose. We actually celebrate at our house if my son loses and he doesn’t throw a fit (or throw the game…LOL) when he doesn’t lose. It teaches them to be happy for the others who win. It teaches them not to give up…but trust me when I say that IT TAKES PRACTICE. So… PLAY GAMES WITH THEM!
- Organizing– From setting the game up, to playing the game, to cleaning it up and putting it away we must organizing materials. Games also assist in developing the part of the brain that organizes our thoughts and strategies that help us get through the game (and life for that matter). Again… PLAY GAMES WITH THEM!
- Early Learning Skills- Games help to sharpen skills such as counting forward and back, categorizing, colors, shapes, reading skills, etc. Games as simple as Uno, Chutes and Ladders, and Candy Land teach early learning skills.
- Quality Time– When was the last time you sat at a table with no distractions and nothing to look at but a game and the faces of your beautiful family? For me, it was today and it was the highlight of my day! Games provide moments of time to laugh together, work together, assist one another, and just be together as a family. The bonus is…if anyone in your family has the Love Language: Quality Time, you will be loving on them in the process. PLAY GAMES WITH THEM!
- Language Skills-Reading words for the purpose of winning a game is much more motivating than just learning to read! As it turns out, the vocabulary required in many games includes words and phrases that kids may not hear or utilize in their normal daily encounters. In fact, games that require us to remember several steps or pieces of information at once can help a child who is having trouble with reading comprehension…all while having fun. PLAY GAMES WITH THEM!
- Executive Function Skills-Ok, so this is such a big can of worms and I love talking about it! If you are like “Executive Function Skills…Say What???” click on this link to read my post about what it means. Playing games is vital in developing these skills. Executive Function Skills are not fully developed when a child starts kindergarten. It is our job to provide kids opportunities to develop and fine tune these skills… PLAY GAMES WITH THEM!
Click on the picture below to be directed to a link that will explain these games and skills! Fantastic site!!!

So what games are you adding to your house or classroom this year? Can playing games BE THE LEARNING tool of choice in your home or classroom?
Comment below and tell me what games you played with your kids this week!
Growing up in a family who loved to play games, I am looking forward to our little girls being old enough to enjoy some of those same games (we’re in the Hungry Hungry Hippo kind of game level currently). 😉 Great post!
I love this!
I’m not a mom (yet!) but I’m an aunt, nanny, babysitter, tutor, previous Children’s Ministry Director, K-12 Art teacher, and I LOVE playing games with the kiddos in my life. I agree with all 10 points you made and how they can help with the development of kiddos all while having FUN! They probably don’t even know they are learning and practicing important life skills 😉
Thanks for writing and encouraging the art of play games!
Playing board games is one of my best memories from childhood.
Yes! That is what so many say, however I feel the business of life has caused people to not play together as often. I’m glad that this difficult time has brought back good ol’ makin memories!!!
You are welcome! Playing games teaches so much!
It is so wonderful when they get old enough to play! You are getting close! Hungry Hippo can teach a lot of the same things! Waiting for turns, the art of losing, clean up (organizing), etc.
My little one loves making us have endless hours of fun. Monopoly is and Bubble Talk are a couple of her favorites. It’s good to know there are lessons being learned.
Those are so much fun! They are getting more out of playing a game than having fun! They don’t even realize they are learning! Love it!
Keep playing those games! It’s really kept my kids having fun each day!
I have always loved playing board games as a child and I would love to incorporate them more into my classroom! This was a great reminder. I think Blurt, Distraction, and 5 Second Rule sound super fun and can be played as a whole class or in small groups to build the students’ executive function skills.
I have always loved playing board games as a child and would love to incorporate them into my classroom! This is a great reminder. Blurt, Distraction, and 5 Second Rule all sound super fun and can be played as a class or in small groups to reinforce executive function skills.
After reading this, I am excited to bring board games and other turn-taking games to my daily centers. I realize, in the beginning, I will have to work closely with them to help them follow the rules of the games; but I am excited to help them develop their EF skills through this “play,” I also feel prepared to advocate for this type if learning if I am challenged by my administration.
Alyssa, thanks for the great comment! Keep inspiring kids and helping them develop through playing games!