Hey There!!!
I’m Erin Mengeu! I am a passionate educator and mom of 3 beautiful and energetic kids!

It’s my goal to help you (Teachers, Parents, Friends, anyone who asks really) implement strategies for developmental growth.
I’ve been teaching elementary school for 18 years and have a Master’s Degree in The Art of Teaching. My passion is teaching Kindergarten and helping teachers find strategies for developmental growth!
I believe the most rewarding thing in teaching is building relationships and watching your kids gain an independence and love for learning.
I’m excited to help BE THEIR DIFFERENCE in the classroom and at home! I am passionate about implementing strategies for developing the whole child.
I feel strongly about placing our focus on developmental growth in order to reach our highest potential.
It is my hope that you will find strategies here that will help you to make learning enjoyable and effective for your students. I hope I can help you develop a love for learning and a drive to be better each day!
We do not need to be THE BEST, but we if strive to be a little better each day, we will end up being OUR VERY BEST!
I believe in developing a GROWTH MINDSET!
I believe in developing EXECUTIVE FUNCTION SKILLS!
I believe in learning through NATURAL CURIOSITIES!
I believe in showing GRACE to yourself and to others!
I believe in building RELATIONSHIPS!
I believe that when we FOCUS ON DEVELOPMENTAL GROWTH we will achieve success!