A Fun Way to Reflect on Your Year

Out with the old an in with the new…that is what we are all in a hurry to do right?!

I know, I know, we are all ready to move on!

Can we just take a moment to really thing about the good that happened in your life this past year!

Think about it…

Keep thinking…

I’m sure you can come up with something!

Have you ever tried keeping a JOY JAR!

Here is how it works!

Whenever something happens that brings you joy, write it down and put it in the jar! This could be something you accomplished like a new job, achieving a goal, learning a new skill, winning a championship, heck I learned to crochet this year!

Place it in on a shelf that is easily accessed and visible for you to see (this way you don’t forget about it). There may be a couple months that pass by and your jar may collect some dusk…lol! But from time to time sit down and think if you have anything to add to the jar.

Well, here we are at the end of the year. What did you do this year that brought you joy? Check out this picture of my own families joy jar! I will be honest, this is from a couple years ago, but I thought it was worthy of sharing a little JOY!

How to make your own Joy Jar:

  1. Grab a jar or box or some sort of container.
  2. Cut some strips of paper or you can use sticky notes or index cards.
  3. Explain it to your family so that they know what to do.
  4. Place it some place where you will not forget about it.
  5. Enjoy the reminders of Joy at the end of the year.

It’s soooo easy….I hope you enjoy it as much as we have!

Here is to a new year filled with Joy!

Enjoy being Their Difference!

2 thoughts on “A Fun Way to Reflect on Your Year”

  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea!!! Going to start our family joy jar for 2021. Thanks for the great idea!

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